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Results and Destinations

Our mission has always been to enrich the lives of our young people, and to ensure that they walk out of our doors in a better position than when they walked through them. The 2024 Post 16 cohort proves that our mission is a worthy cause and one we will continue with for the foreseeable future.

We would like to thank every single member of staff who has had a hand in moulding and shaping the 2024 cohort. It is often said that it takes a village to raise one child, and at the Trust, it takes a dedicated and committed team to raise a whole cohort. 

- Directors of Post 16

Results Day Post 16 Cohort of 2023 



On Thursday 17th August 2023, The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust celebrated a momentous day with the Post 16 cohort of 2023 as they received their examination results for A Levels, BTECs and Cambridge Technicals.

The students graduating are the same students who had one of the most difficult educational journeys of all time, as their crucial years in Key Stage 4 – Years 10 and 11 – were affected by national lockdowns and isolations, and this cohort felt the full force of the pandemic and its disruption to education. Two years later, we stood in the Post 16 Centre, with the hardships behind us and the glorious future ahead, and revelled in the results of their first public examinations since their Year 6 SATS. This cohort is nothing if not flexible, adaptable, compliant, resilient and uncomplicated. They are now our part of our esteemed alumni and we will follow them on their journeys as they grow beyond college. No matter how far they go, they will always be ‘our students.’

We are delighted to announce that many of our students were accepted by their first-choice universities and at Russell Group universities, such as Queen Mary University of London, UCL, University of Bath and University of Liverpool. We are also so proud that we can support all our students’ dreams and aspirations, and this 2023 cohort will be going on to study a diverse range of courses, such as Pharmacology & Innovative Therapeutics, Construction Management, Forensic Psychology, Creative Writing, Computer Games Programming, Philosophy and Ethics, Real Estate and Property Management, Psychology and Counselling, Archaeology, etc. This is a testament to how the Trust and its Post 16 provision can guide all students, no matter the pathway. For our students who have decided to pursue apprenticeships, they have been able to secure positions with highly-respected and successful companies such as Mace (Consultancy and Construction) and FDM (I.T.) For our students who have decided to either take a gap year or to become part of the local workforce, many are already employed by Heathrow Airport, local estate agents, retail stores and super markets. Throughout their time at The Trust, we have emphasised the importance of being ready for the working world and therefore we are so proud of our students who have already entered this space and have a clear plan for their year ahead.

Zion Lindsay

Subject Grade
Criminology  A*
Psychology  A*
Biology A
Chemistry B
Destination Course
University College London Pharmacy

If you asked any Year 13 student who was the most hardworking person in the year, every answer would be ‘Zion.’ Zion is a model student, with an exemplary work ethic and drive, and his results reflect the amount of effort he puts into his education. Zion has always had lofty ambitions and high aspirations for himself and has applied himself tirelessly to reach these heights. It is no surprise to anyone at the Trust that he was the 2023 top performer. Zion also won the award for ‘Most Likely to Become a Teacher’, so we look forward to the future Mr Lindsay at the Trust, teaching future generations of Post 16 students! Congratulations, Zion. You deserve this.

Livia Monteiro

Subject Grade
Criminology A
Law A
Psychology A
Sociology A
Destination Course
University of Portsmouth Forensic Psychology

Livia achieved a flush, in that she graduated from the Trust with 4 A grades! It is no surprise that Livia achieved the grades she did, because Livia’s natural disposition is one characterised by conscientiousness and diligence. You don't need to tell Livia what to do – she already knows! As she becomes an undergraduate, we are certain that Livia will carry on her reputation as an industrious and meticulous student, who sets goals and achieves them. At Portsmouth, Livia is going to benefit from state-of-the-art facilities, such as a Forensic Interviewing Suite, which features thermal imaging cameras, eye tracking and virtual reality (VR) technology and advanced digital and video analysis. You don’t need luck Livia – you make your own! Congratulations.

Benjamin Sibley

Subject Grade
Business A
Computer Science A
Information Technology Distinction*
Destination Course
University of Gloucestershire Computer Games Programming

Ben has overcome huge obstacles and challenges to achieve the results he did and at the Trust, and we couldn’t be prouder of him. Ben was the top performer in his A Level classes, and achieved the top grade for I.T. because he dedicated himself entirely to his studies. For his EPQ, Ben delivered a stellar presentation, and wowed his audience. Already an avid gamer and a talented coder, Ben is going off to study Games Production, Game Engine Scripting, Programming and Mathematics and Programming Algorithms & Techniques. Ben is looking forward to being closer to the coast, so he can have the best of both worlds: gaming and the beach! Congratulations, Ben. We wish you all the best.

Maison Taylor

Subject Grade
Criminology A
Law A
Economics B
Sociology B
Destination Course
University of Bath Economics, Politics & International Studies

Maison is in a league of his own, as he already had the mindset and work ethic of an adult when he entered Post 16, two years ago. He is rational, logical and takes a no-nonsense approach to whatever he does. Testament to this is his concrete plan for his time at university: dedicate himself entirely to his studies so that he can achieve the best possible grade. That is exactly the type of person he is, and therefore it is no surprise that he achieved so well. Maison has strong opinions and uses his voice to share those opinions. He is mature, sophisticated and you walk away from a conversation with him having learned something new. We cannot think of someone more suited to be an undergraduate, studying Economics, Politics and International Relations. With these fantastic results, and four full qualifications under his belt, there is nothing that Maison can’t do. You deserve this, Maison. Congratulations. All the hard work paid off!

Gia Vaghela

Subject Grade
English Literature A
History A
Sociology B
Destination Course
University of Greenwich Creative Writing and English Literature

There has been a national decrease in students choosing English Literature for A Levels, and an even steeper decrease in students pursuing English Language and/or Creative Writing at university, however Gia is keeping the light burning for the discipline she is deeply passionate about. When Gia studies a text, she is able to develop strong, critical opinions about the characters and about the plot. Gia understands the characters; their hopes, their dreams, their fears, their motivations. She is able to tap into their psyche; she considers their backgrounds; their mitigating and aggravating circumstances and she makes a judgment on whether they are inherently good or bad people. That’s the kind of reader and writer Gia is. Therefore, there is no surprise that she is going to university to immerse herself in the world of English, by studying modules such as Literary Forms of Representation, Writing for Stage and Screen, Writing Poetry and Prose, and The Canon: A Short History of Western Literature. We fully expect for Gia to become a best-selling author in the upcoming years, and we will definitely have her books on our library shelves. Congratulations, Gia!

Kacey Hogan-Marks

Subject Grade
English Literature A
History B
Sociology B
AS Psychology B
Destination Course
St Mary's University, Twickenham Primary Education with QTS

Kacey is going to be an incredible primary school teacher, and already benefitted from her experience working at Rosedale Primary, as a breakfast club and after-care supervisor. Even as a student, Kacey was able to juggle her education alongside work responsibilities, and therefore we have no doubts that when Kacey enters the working world as an adult, armed with an undergraduate degree and a PGCE, she will thrive. Kacey was inspired by her teachers and her own experience at college to become someone who can support children and young people through their journeys. We can say with confidence that any child who has Kacey as their teacher will be lucky. Kacey, we look forward to welcoming you back home as Ms Hogan-Marks, the teacher! All the best!