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Application and Enrolment Information

Applying to The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust

When you apply to become a Year 12 student, you will apply to the Trust.

You cannot apply to an individual college (i.e., Rosedale College, Hewens College, De Salis Studio College or Parkside Studio College.) This is because, at Post 16, all Colleges exist as part of the Trust, and not as separate schools.

Being part of a Trust means that as a student, you will benefit from connecting to a larger community, with access to more facilities, resources and expertise from across our four secondary Colleges.

In practise, this is what being part of a Trust Post 16 looks like:

  • At the Trust, we offer 19 AS and A Levels, 10 Vocational subjects, 3 additional qualifications and the EPQ (taught in Year 13.)
  • Across the Trust, we have a wide variety of facilities on each College campus (i.e.,, Engineering suites and Astroturf pitches at Rosedale College, a fitness suite, new Science labs and a Performing Arts Hall at Hewens College, a gaming suite and kitchens at Parkside Studio College, and a Law Court and Trading Floor at De Salis Studio College.)
  • As a Post 16 student, depending on the subjects you choose, you will move across the Trust to have lessons across the different sites, via our designated minibuses.
  • Each subject can have between 1 – 3 teachers.
  • Each subject can be taught at any of the four colleges, depending on where teachers and/or facilities are based.

Joining the Trust’s Post 16 as an ­Internal and External Applicant

­Internal Applicant

When joining the Trust’s Post 16, students from Rosedale College, Hewens College, Parkside Studio College and De Salis Studio College will join the Trust’s sixth form (Post 16.) Students will not be separated by Alliances nor by colleges, but will join together for all parts of Post 16 life, such as lessons, boosters, assemblies, trips, extra-curricular clubs, and much more. Think of the Post 16 as a year group, where you all become part of one cohort and all have the same Director: the Director of Post 16.


External Applicant

When joining the Trust’s Post 16, every student must have one individual ‘Home College’, Therefore, as an external student, you will be assigned to one of the four Colleges within the Trust, depending on its best fit with your subject choices. What this means is, you will be assigned to the College where majority of your lessons are taught.

However, remember that as a Post 16 student, you will attend lessons across the college campuses, depending on the subjects you choose and which campuses they are taught on.

How to Apply to the Trust for Year 12 Entry

  • All students, internal and external, must apply for Post 16 at the Trust enrolment via the online application form.
  • Paper applications will not be accepted.

What You Need to Apply With:

  • Your personal details (name, D/OB, e-mail address, current school/college details, etc.)
  • Your ULN (your unique learner number, which consists of 10-digit numbers).
  • Your UPN (your unique pupil number which consists of a 13 character).
  • Your official predicted grades from your current school or college
  • Name and e-mail of your nominated referee (your Director and/or Head of Year)
  • A short Personal Statement that explains why you are applying to The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust for Post 16

Application Timeline


Tuesday 5th November 2024: Applications for September 2025 Enrolment will open

Friday 27th December 2024: Applications for September 2025 Enrolment will close temporarily, until Monday 17th February 2025.

Students who meet the 27th December deadline will be invited to a face-to-face interview with the Directors of Post 16, between Monday 20th January – Friday 7th February 2025. 

Applications will then reopen on Monday 17th February 2025, and remain open until GCSE Results Day, which is Thursday 21st  August 2025.

Students who apply after Friday 7th February 2025 will not be granted a face-to-face interview until GCSE Results Day.


Sixth Form/Post 16 Open Evening


Open Evening for The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust's Sixth Form/Post 16 

Showcasing Sixth Form/Post 16 Provision for Rosedale College, Hewens College, De Salis Studio College & Parkside Studio College

Date: Tuesday 7th November 2023

Venue: Rosedale College, Wood End Green Road, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 2SE

Time: 5:30pm - 7:00pm

Director Speech: 6:30pm

Register for the event via the following link: Registration Form

During the Post 16 Open Evening, you will be able to meet all Post 16 teachers and current Post 16 students, to get a real sense of what Post 16 at the Trust is like. You will also receive a hard copy of the Post 16 Prospectus, which you can use as a reading and research resource to make an informed decision about your subject choices.

Number of Subjects and Options Blocks

At the Trust, we expect all students to study four subjects in Year 12, and three in Year 13.

The Trust envisions for all students to bank as AS qualification or BTEC Certificate at the end of Year 12, in order to amass UCAS points. The Trust therefore envisions for all students to continue on to Year 13 with their best three subjects.

This however will be considered on a case-by-case basis and in some circumstances, it may be deemed more appropriate for a student to study three subjects in Year 12 and Year 13.

In Year 13, all students have the choice of enrolling onto the EPQ. More information about the EPQ can be found in the Post 16 Prospectus:


Options Blocks

To cater to each unique and individual Year 12 cohort, Options Blocks change year upon year. This is because Year 12 blocks are made based on subject combinations chosen during the application phase. As such, the blocks will be published in January 2024 and will cater to the majority.

All Year 12 students are expected to choose four subjects; one from each block (Block A, Block B, Block C and Block D.)

The Enrolment Process

Apply Online > Admissions Interview > The Public Examination Period for GCSEs > Bridging Week > Enrolment on GCSE Results Day

All students, both internal and external, who meet the Friday 29th December 2023 deadline will be invited to a face-to-face Admissions Interview with the Director of Post 16 at the Trust.

All students, both internal and external, who fail to meet the Friday 29th December 2023 deadline will still be able to apply to the Trust for Post 16, however will not be offered a face-to-face interview.

Admissions Interviews

  • If you meet the application deadline of Friday 29th December 2023, you will be invited to a face-to-face Admissions Interview with the Director of Post 16.
  • Admissions Interviews will take place from Monday 22nd January to Monday 9th February 2024.
  • You will be invited to the Admissions Interview via your school/college e-mail, provided on your application form.
  • Internal applicants will be interviewed at their Home Colleges.
  • External applicants will be interviewed at Rosedale College.
  • Your interview will last between 10 – 15 minutes, and you must attend in your formal school/college attire. Uniform infringements will result in the interview being cancelled.
  • During the interview, you will be asked to speak about your character, your current academic record, your aspirations and subject choices for Post 16, and your intended career pathways.
  • Your behaviour and attendance records will also be discussed (including positive and negative points logged on the system, extensions, internal and external exclusions, etc.)
  • Your nominated referee’s comments about your suitability for your chosen courses will also be discussed.
  • The aim of the Admissions Interview is to assess your level of commitment to academia, your initial suitability for your chosen subjects, and your ability to demonstrate the 6 Rs (Respectful, Responsible, Reflective, Resourceful, Rationale and Resilient.)
  • From the Admissions Interviews, there are three possible outcomes, the first being that a conditional offer will be made to you for the subjects you have applied for, a conditional offer will be made to you for subjects that have been decided as suitable for you, or you will not be made a conditional offer based on your academic and/or behaviour/attendance profile.

Outcomes of Admissions Interviews

Conditional Offer Made:

A conditional offer will be made if, via a combination of your predicted grades, your referee comments, and your interview, demonstrate that you are already meeting the expectations of Post 16 at the Trust and are therefore suitable for Post 16 study.

A conditional offer means that there are ‘terms and conditions’ attached to your offer. You still have to meet personal entry requirements, such as maintaining appropriate behaviour, uniform and attendance standards, alongside meeting academic expectations for general entry and specific subjects.

Can I get an unconditional offer?

It is not possible to receive an unconditional offer. If you are successful during the interview stage, you will receive a conditional offer only.

I had my interview and didn’t receive a conditional offer. What should I do?

If you have had your interview and did not receive a conditional offer, this is because your academic profile, and/or your personal profile have demonstrated that you are not yet suitable for Post 16 study. However, you can work hard to turn that around. If you do not receive a conditional offer after your Admissions Interview, you should use this outcome as motivation for achieving higher.

The ultimate decider of your entry into Post 16 at the Trust will be your GCSE results, and therefore you need to put in the effort to achieve the best grades you can. You should be revising every day, concentrating in classes, actively working on your areas for improvement, attending school/college every day and giving your all to your education. If your grades are suitable by Results Day, and you meet our entry requirements, you will be able to have a meeting with the Director of Post 16 about potential enrolment.

Is my place at the Trust secure if I receive a conditional offer?

Your place at the Trust for Post 16 can only be confirmed on GCSE Results Day (Thursday 22nd August 2024), once you have received formal confirmation of your achieved grades. If the grades you achieve meet the Trust’s entry requirements and subject-specific requirements, and your behaviour and attendance profile are suitable, you can be offered a place for September 2024.  

Can my conditional offer be rescinded?

Your conditional offer can be rescinded (taken back) if your behaviour and/or attendance falls out of line with Trust standards, between the date of your interview and Enrolment (Thursday 22nd August 2024).

If I achieve the necessary grades by Results Day, am I guaranteed a place at the Trust for Post 16?

There are no guaranteed places because your suitability for Post 16 also considers your attendance and behaviour records. For example, if you meet the entry requirements however you have amassed a concerning amount of negative behaviour points on your school/college’s system, or your attendance is significantly below 98%, this may negatively impact your ability to enrol.

How many spaces are on each course?

There are 30 spaces available on all courses.

Bridging Week

The Trust’s Bridging Programme allows Year 11 students to experience life as Post 16 students, before officially enrolling in September. You will be able to attend a variety of lessons and workshops that have been designed specifically for you, with the view of ‘bridging the gap’ between GCSE and Post 16. Attending this programme will give you a head start on your Post 16 courses, and will better prepare you for what is to come. You will also get to experience what it is like being a Post 16 student at the Trust and you will benefit from the facilities at Rosedale, Hewens, De Salis and Parkside.

What lessons do I go to?

The Bridging Programme will run taster lessons for all Post 16 subjects offered in the Prospectus. You will have freedom in choosing what lessons you attend – this is completely up to you and you don’t have to only attend the lessons of the subjects you have chosen. You can go to whichever sessions and lessons you want. There will be a minimum of two lessons a day, and there will be overlaps so you can attend a wide variety of lessons over the course of the week.

Is Bridging compulsory?

Bridging is compulsory. There is a notorious ‘jump’ between GCSE (Level 2) and Post 16 (Level 3), and therefore everyone seeking to begin Post 16 at the Trust must attend.

Will there be entrance examinations?

There will be some entrance examinations, entirely dependent upon the subject. As it currently stands, AS Mathematics is the only subject that requires you to pass a Bridging exam in order to enrol in September. Other subjects may follow suit too.

Will there be compulsory Summer Homework?

You will also receive Summer homework from your teachers so that you can be better prepared to make the transition from Year 11 into Year 12. This will need to be submitted in September.

Enrolment on GCSE Results Day

  • All applicants, both internal and external, wishing to enrol at the Trust for a Year 12 start in September 2024 must attend a short, face-to-face Enrolment Meeting with the Director of Post 16 on GCSE Results Day (Thursday 22nd August 2023.)
  • To this meeting, all applicants must bring a copy of their GCSE results.
  • External applicants must bring a printed copy of their most recent school/college report.
  • Only students who meet both entry and subject-specific requirements will be able to meet with the Director of Post 16.
  • If you are successful in your application, you will be given an official enrolment letter by the Director of Post 16, outlining the subjects you have been enrolled onto.

The Start of Year 12

All successful applicants must attend Year 12 Induction Day, at the start of September 2024. The date is yet to be confirmed.

2024 Subjects and Campuses *These are subject to change*

AS & A Levels

Subject Campus 1 Campus 2


De Salis



Rosedale De Salis


Parkside De Salis


Rosedale Hewens

Computer Science

De Salis  




Rosedale De Salis

English Literature

Rosedale Hewens



Further Mathematics







Rosedale De Salis








De Salis  

Religious Studies






Level 3 Vocational Qualifications - BTEC

Subject Campus 1 Campus 2

BTEC Art & Design


BTEC Business

Parkside De Salis

BTEC Creative Media


BTEC Engineering


BTEC Food & Beverage Services Supervision


BTEC Health & Social Care


BTEC Performing Arts


BTEC Sport


Level 2 Vocational Qualifications – VTCT

Subject Campus 1 Campus 2
VTCT Level 2 NVQ Diploma In Hairdressing Parkside  

Level 3 Cambridge Technical Qualifications

Subject Campus 1 Campus 2
IT Rosedale Hewens

Professional Qualifications

Subject Campus 1 Campus 2

AAT in Accounting

De Salis Hewens

Cisco Certified Network Associate

De Salis  

Microsoft Office Specialist

De Salis  


Tuesday 5th November 2024: Applications for September 2025 Enrolment will open

Friday 27th December 2024: Applications for September 2025 Enrolment will close temporarily, until Monday 17th February 2025.

Students who meet the 27th December deadline will be invited to a face-to-face interview with the Directors of Post 16, between Monday 20th January – Friday 7th February 2025. 

Applications will then reopen on Monday 17th February 2025, and remain open until GCSE Results Day, which is Thursday 21st  August 2025.

Students who apply after Friday 7th February 2025 will not be granted a face-to-face interview until GCSE Results Day.